It's new year's eve BAYBEH! :D . And soon, it's gonna be NEW YEAR. Hehehe. Okay so just came online to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR xD! Make sure you have a new resolution eh? Wokeyh, I guess I better watch the tv now (cause I didn't go for the countdown thingy). Soo jane!
P/S : Happy New Year everyone :)
Monday, December 31, 2007

Coffee Prince! I AM SOO LOVING IT xD. You guys should watch it (but too bad its not in youtube neither crunchyroll...sad....I know ='[ ) . For those of you who is sort of ENJOY/LOVE watching korean dramas, I recommend you this one! xDD. Surelyy, you will enjoy it very very muchh! =) . Well, the OST are very nice!!! You should hear it. I even love the characters in there! Okay so uhh actually I haven't completed watching everything cause my sis's laptop adapter rosak. T_T. CHEHH! K lah, guess I better end this post.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
UGH! Some stupid cicak was just infront there on the wall. SESAT BETUL! =_=" . Okaayy, I'm sooo loving my new background page :D. I mean look at it! Bwahahahah xDD. I have such a good taste! =) . And yes, I just gave a compliment to myself =).
Okay well, actually I wanted to post this yesterday but then came back at 12 sumn from sunway pyramid so didn't have time to go online. Moreover... amelia got on the comp before me. So yeah, couldn't do anything.
Right! So yesterday I went OU with my mom, sis & two cousins. Aqeel and Adeel. We went up to the PuriKura first. But then some STUPID, RUDE, SELFISH, BLIND, IDIOTS went to the booth that WE lined up first =_=" . EEE! BODOH BETUL! (yes, I'm FREAKING PISSED!). I mean, we were like there first helllooo!!! Seriously man, I don't know what do teenagers put in their mind =_= (I mean the ones that have the character I mentioned). Eventhough I'm a teenager myself, but I know that I am not one of those! So yeah, in the end it was like already 3.10 PM so we just went to the cinema to buy popcorns + drinks. Yeah but before going out, I was cursing out loud! Sekali with my sis. And I think it was loud enough for them to hear :) .
We watched Alvin & The Chipmunks! Comel sgtsgtsgt!!! My fav is Theodeor xDD. I love the songs. It's sooo nicee! Oh yea and the movie was extremely funny. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the movie. Even the man behind me was like "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" . Ahahahahah. Funnehh! The movie ended like about 5.00 PM. After that, baru we pergi PuriKura. And we took photos :DDD. It was fuunn!!! My mother leminated (is tht how u spell it?) the pics. Only the big size ones. My mom, sis & I even bought the sort of like book album to keep photos.
I went to soxworld and I saw the socks that amelia told me about. And I really really wanted it but then tak bawak duit =_= . Soo, I didn't buy it. After that I teman my cousins go toysarous while my sis and mom went and checked out marks & spencers. I wanted to go too tapi I wanted to go toyarous too :P. Then after like walking and browsing, suddenly came my other sis, adlina. Tiba2 je. Lol. So then tgk2 all my family members were there :DDD.
Before droving off to sunway, we ate baskin robins :DDD. YUMMEH! I ate chocolate chip cookie dough (my fav!). When we were off to sunway, aqeel & adeel sibuk2 mintak my phone. Lol. And tengok2 they wanted to watch the video I took (embarassing videos) . =__= . Woww, I didn't know they could actually find it. =___= . And it was like so wild in the car. I tried getting back my phone and they kept on laughing watching the vids -___- .
Sampai pun sunway :) . I went to "Asian Avenue". OMG the shops there are like superr coool! Amelia was like searching for handbags while rana & adina were just helping her. I wanted to search for this outfit (long baju) which I really really really wanted! Tapi mcm tak nampak sgt lah. And we didn't even spend time there sgt pun. Kejap only. I only bought tights which I thought would be matching with this baju that I wanted :) .
We ate Kenny Rogers for dinner! OISHII! XD. After habis makan, everyone was like bloated gila2! LOL. We went up to parkson after tht :DD. There, I tried this 2 baju which is the same cuma colour tak sama. Both were pretty but then I didn't know which to pick! It was like a hard decision to make. In the end, I picked the grey & pink. Last last, tukar balik to brown & black+white. Soo my mom bought for me the brown & black one :D. Cantiiikkk <3!
Lepas Parkson, we went up to the arcade xDD. BESTT!!! I watched aqeel & adeel played taiko drum. Hahahaha they looked so cuteee <33.><. Rana played Para Para Dance and she was like a Pro :0 . Seriouslyy, I didn't knooww that. I played too. But I suck at it ><" ! UGHH 2 kali pulak tuuuhh main! Amelia also played. She was okay lah. Didn't play much since it was like 11 sumn. I wanted to play DDR though tapi mcm ada org kat sana so malas nak tunggu. Lol.
We all went back like macam nak dekat 12.30 .
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
It's almost a week since I came back from Japan. I miss it so much! My Japanese family, my tokyo group mates, tokyo, the cold weather, japanese food, harajuku, disneyland. Let's just say everything. Tanoshiikata-desu! <3. Well, didn't really have time to type about my homestay there. Maybe one of these days, I'll write. But that ain't a promise! xDDD. Ughh! I still have to finish my report. *sigh*, when can I ever finish it? Almost everyday I get distracted by something like watching dramas, internet, friendster & the internet -_- . The due is before next friday. YOUSH! I am gonna finish the report by this week. Ganbatte-ne, herinna :D . Man, I really really miss Japan! I hope to visit my japanese family again :D. I was so happy when they replied my email just now! xDDD. Will write back to them 2morrow as now I am feeling nemui! *which means sleepy in japanese*. I also wish to see my tokyo group mates! (who went for this homestay programme with me) ! Missin them loads! Wokeyh, I guess that's it for 2nite? Hai, oyasumi minna! :)
P/S : Been speaking lots of japanese words since I came back xDD. Nyahahahh!
P/S : Been speaking lots of japanese words since I came back xDD. Nyahahahh!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Yesterday I went to KL Pac for this brazillian guitar performance. My first impression when we first step inside the KL Pac was "WOAHH". That place is like sooo beautiful! There was this pianist who played the piano. He was playing jazz songs. He was extremely talented and I really wish that I could play like him. There were so many foreigners who came to see the performance. And they were dress all nicely :D. Some of the ladies were wearing dresses while some of the men wore they're smart casual clothes. Like coat and tie. But only some.
Before entering the theatre, they serve us some refreshment. And yeahh it was yummy. Lol. After that, we entered the theatre. The theatre was beautiful. I sat somewhere in the middle of the theatre. And was quite near to the stage too =) .
The performance started with a short brief by this gentleman. Then after that, came the guitarist with his partner who played the percussions. Before they started, the guitarist tuned up his guitar to make sure that it is not out of tune. He started with his first song..which I forgot what the title is. I was amazed by his fingers! It was dancing on the guitar chords! And the song was soo beautiful. I, in my life never ever heard a guitar melody like tht! And the way he plays...woahhh it was soo damn brilliant! And not to forget, his partner who played the percussions made the song more lively and nice xDD. So overall, I was amazed. Didn't even fall asleep. Was busyy looking at how he plays it. And yeahh, now I know how a brazillian guitar sounds like XDDD. Okay then thts all for today. Byebye.
Before entering the theatre, they serve us some refreshment. And yeahh it was yummy. Lol. After that, we entered the theatre. The theatre was beautiful. I sat somewhere in the middle of the theatre. And was quite near to the stage too =) .
The performance started with a short brief by this gentleman. Then after that, came the guitarist with his partner who played the percussions. Before they started, the guitarist tuned up his guitar to make sure that it is not out of tune. He started with his first song..which I forgot what the title is. I was amazed by his fingers! It was dancing on the guitar chords! And the song was soo beautiful. I, in my life never ever heard a guitar melody like tht! And the way he plays...woahhh it was soo damn brilliant! And not to forget, his partner who played the percussions made the song more lively and nice xDD. So overall, I was amazed. Didn't even fall asleep. Was busyy looking at how he plays it. And yeahh, now I know how a brazillian guitar sounds like XDDD. Okay then thts all for today. Byebye.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Hello everyone :D ! I just realized that I have not been posting anything lately. ><" . Hahahah well I guess that's cause I've been watching J & K drama here (: . By the way, yesterday I watched this movie called 'stardust' . It wasn't actually planned but just yesterday night my parents were up for it! x)) . My sis didn't follow though. -_- . But maybe just one of these days I'll be watching 'enchanted' with her. YIPPEEEE XDD! As for yesterday's movie, it was awesoomee :DDDD. How I looveee adventure & fantasy storiess! It's actually something like narnia? Okaayy not really but its SOMETHING like it. So overall, I had fun yesterday nite! :DD. Okay so bubbye!!!
Signing out,
Signing out,
Friday, November 23, 2007
Mmm....yummy grapes! I'm eating it right now ;) . Anyways, I am soo thrill to know about my *********** censored censored censored. Sorry, its extremely private. If you wanna know, don't hesitate to come and ask. That's it ! I'm going to watch coffee prince right after I finished the Hana Kimi [ jap version ] . And I'm going to readd all those mangas that are still incomplete~ Okaayyy now lets talk about something else! YES. I KNOW. Lets talk about candies =) . Candies are yummy, don't you think soo? I've created something fuuuunn! And this will be revealed soon. Its something related to candy. Ahahahaha. Okayy umm gtg now actually. So tata pals!
lotsa luv from,
~the green candy~
lotsa luv from,
~the green candy~
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Today? Hmm, nothing much I suppose. I didn't go anywhere. Was just at home online-ing, watching tv, etc? Oh yea, I did cleaned up my closet actually :P . My sister made me do it though. *thinking*
OH YES! AHA. Well today I read fullmoon :D. Just finished reading volume 1. I know I'm slow but sometimes when you read manga, u must have the mood actually. Hehe. So tomorrow, I'm gonna continue volume 2 ! Yeaayyy~
Oh craaapp. Ohhhh CRAAAAPPP. Now I remembered something. Crap Crap Craap! I haven't finished my leftover homework! (no no not school work! something else ><") . Oh gosshhh. I guess I better go now. Byebye <3
Signing out,
P/S : Just when I thought I would take my own sweet time blogging......SOMETHING popped out. *sigh*.
OH YES! AHA. Well today I read fullmoon :D. Just finished reading volume 1. I know I'm slow but sometimes when you read manga, u must have the mood actually. Hehe. So tomorrow, I'm gonna continue volume 2 ! Yeaayyy~
Oh craaapp. Ohhhh CRAAAAPPP. Now I remembered something. Crap Crap Craap! I haven't finished my leftover homework! (no no not school work! something else ><") . Oh gosshhh. I guess I better go now. Byebye <3
Signing out,
P/S : Just when I thought I would take my own sweet time blogging......SOMETHING popped out. *sigh*.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Yesterday was the day! It was the "Open Day". Well I know I should have posted it yesterday but the comp keeps on turning off [because of the wire]. Can't blame it though. So in the end didn't have the mood write. Eheheh. And I was actually BUSY reading "Kitchen Princess" <33!>PIXIE POP 3 <333] . The ending rocks :DDD. I love ryouta && nazuna! I was really looking forward to their story more than mayu & amamiya's . Oh yea and in that volume, there's this character which suddenly appeared out of nowhere. YUUKI <3!!!>
Right. I have written down a paragraph which I wrote about PIXIE POP and KITCHEN PRINCESS. *sigh* . When will this yesterday's story gonna finish? Lol. Okay lets start again so yeah yesterday went to school. Got my report card. And I got to know my next year's class. Well I got 2C. Err quite satisfied la. Cause most of my fwens are going there. Ira's going there :D . And some other peeps. And I'm missing my class already =( . *sigh* . I will always remember this class! It was the best :D .
Now, lets talk about today. I had orchestra practice. Umm correction. Orchestra TEST. Teacher came 30 mins late but we didn't mind xDD. Cause boleh practice lama lagi la :D . So yeaahh. Ummm to shorten my post, I actually passed the test. Glad its over. K then thats all for today. Byebye!
me xD .
Right. I have written down a paragraph which I wrote about PIXIE POP and KITCHEN PRINCESS. *sigh* . When will this yesterday's story gonna finish? Lol. Okay lets start again so yeah yesterday went to school. Got my report card. And I got to know my next year's class. Well I got 2C. Err quite satisfied la. Cause most of my fwens are going there. Ira's going there :D . And some other peeps. And I'm missing my class already =( . *sigh* . I will always remember this class! It was the best :D .
Now, lets talk about today. I had orchestra practice. Umm correction. Orchestra TEST. Teacher came 30 mins late but we didn't mind xDD. Cause boleh practice lama lagi la :D . So yeaahh. Ummm to shorten my post, I actually passed the test. Glad its over. K then thats all for today. Byebye!
me xD .
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm back in action :D
Yesterday I didn't post anything as I was tired and exhausted
After being at eli's house
Doing the 1 bakti movie <3!
The movie is like a slideshow of all of us xDD~!
I'm not sure what song she's gonna put...
Maybe its the school of rock song.
Oh well, I can't wait to see it xDDDD
It's going to be a memoir for us!
For surreeeee~~
I just hope it can't be played in windows media player.
Yeah so anyways, that was about the movie.
Now, I'm going to talk about something else.
2morrow is the last day for us.
I'm really really going to miss my classs!
1 year with them then suddenly POOF.
Another year comes and u shift class.
Well umm another thing is that my japan trip is coming baybeh! :D
Yess, I am really looking forward to it.
I can't waaaaiittt!
Lolsss....i have no idea what to write here.
Oh yaaaa...I'm currently addicted to ORANGE RANGE
Actually it has always been my fav.
But sometimes new songs appear and I'll lost interest for sure xP.
But now the fever has come back!
I looooovveeee their soooonggss xDDDDD.
Yes and umm the KAMI songs are my current fav TOO!
And my love <33!
And and that utada hikaru & shiina ringo song xDDDDD.
Okay umm before I start talking crappy stuffs.
I think I better stop.
Okay, if I'm not lazy I'll post something 2morrow.
OMG of course I am going to post something 2morrow!
Big daaayyy whaaattt!
Kk, bubbyeee <3
[ himitsu neko x) ]
P/S : loving my new phone xD~
Yesterday I didn't post anything as I was tired and exhausted
After being at eli's house
Doing the 1 bakti movie <3!
The movie is like a slideshow of all of us xDD~!
I'm not sure what song she's gonna put...
Maybe its the school of rock song.
Oh well, I can't wait to see it xDDDD
It's going to be a memoir for us!
For surreeeee~~
I just hope it can't be played in windows media player.
Yeah so anyways, that was about the movie.
Now, I'm going to talk about something else.
2morrow is the last day for us.
I'm really really going to miss my classs!
1 year with them then suddenly POOF.
Another year comes and u shift class.
Well umm another thing is that my japan trip is coming baybeh! :D
Yess, I am really looking forward to it.
I can't waaaaiittt!
Lolsss....i have no idea what to write here.
Oh yaaaa...I'm currently addicted to ORANGE RANGE
Actually it has always been my fav.
But sometimes new songs appear and I'll lost interest for sure xP.
But now the fever has come back!
I looooovveeee their soooonggss xDDDDD.
Yes and umm the KAMI songs are my current fav TOO!
And my love <33!
And and that utada hikaru & shiina ringo song xDDDDD.
Okay umm before I start talking crappy stuffs.
I think I better stop.
Okay, if I'm not lazy I'll post something 2morrow.
OMG of course I am going to post something 2morrow!
Big daaayyy whaaattt!
Kk, bubbyeee <3
[ himitsu neko x) ]
P/S : loving my new phone xD~
Sunday, November 11, 2007
*cough cough*
just now was soo tiring xD
but at the same time,
it was fun! (:
went to the mall with my family~
had a great time there...
bought few *stuffs* there....
umm i am not going to reveal what it is here xP.
anyways, i am thinking about my trip to japan x)) !
soo thrill about it!
yes but at the same time...
I am also thinking about other stuffs :DD
for instance, 2morrow's activities in school....
our report card day.....
our next year's class??....
and and and
its due this thurs.
im scaaareeeddd.
well, im going to practice the whole day 2morrow after school xDDD.
lets occupy my time with some MUSIC!
so um yeah thts all for today :D
will be posting some more!
[ himitsu neko x) ]
P/S : Really happy that most of my frens now are using blogspot :D ! thanks to mua =) ~
just now was soo tiring xD
but at the same time,
it was fun! (:
went to the mall with my family~
had a great time there...
bought few *stuffs* there....
umm i am not going to reveal what it is here xP.
anyways, i am thinking about my trip to japan x)) !
soo thrill about it!
yes but at the same time...
I am also thinking about other stuffs :DD
for instance, 2morrow's activities in school....
our report card day.....
our next year's class??....
and and and
its due this thurs.
im scaaareeeddd.
well, im going to practice the whole day 2morrow after school xDDD.
lets occupy my time with some MUSIC!
so um yeah thts all for today :D
will be posting some more!
[ himitsu neko x) ]
P/S : Really happy that most of my frens now are using blogspot :D ! thanks to mua =) ~
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Nyaaarr xDD!
Lagu kami rocks <3!>
Currently addicted to it (:
And also my love by justin timberlake!
Just dun say i ketinggalan zaman cause seriously, this addict fever has just started!
Now now, 2morrow is sab's party....
Or makan2 or wtv function it is....
The theme is either black ; pink ; white....
I have no idea what am I gonna wear >_<; !
Should I wear black && white?
Or should I wear pink & white?
I think i'll just make up my mind later la -.-'
Anyways, ummm....
Well, I can't wait for school to start xDD!
Missin them loads~
Yea and I know its like the last week but
Its not like were leaving school.
We're just going to different paths.
Thats all !
No biggie deal rite? :)
I'm going to leave my class with a big smile! :D
Cause u know why?
I am very very very PROUD to be in that class! x)
P/S : Cumi is adorably cutee! <3>
Nyaaarr xDD!
Lagu kami rocks <3!>
Currently addicted to it (:
And also my love by justin timberlake!
Just dun say i ketinggalan zaman cause seriously, this addict fever has just started!
Now now, 2morrow is sab's party....
Or makan2 or wtv function it is....
The theme is either black ; pink ; white....
I have no idea what am I gonna wear >_<; !
Should I wear black && white?
Or should I wear pink & white?
I think i'll just make up my mind later la -.-'
Anyways, ummm....
Well, I can't wait for school to start xDD!
Missin them loads~
Yea and I know its like the last week but
Its not like were leaving school.
We're just going to different paths.
Thats all !
No biggie deal rite? :)
I'm going to leave my class with a big smile! :D
Cause u know why?
I am very very very PROUD to be in that class! x)
P/S : Cumi is adorably cutee! <3>
Friday, November 09, 2007
Current mood : hyper!
I feel soo fresh today x) . As in happy & cheerful! Cause cause I feel like it xP. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr <33!>last week with my dearie classmates next week. Aww man. I will miss it very much! Here's some credits to THEM...
~ ira for lending me mangas x) ! thank youuu ira!! really love all your manga! and also for joining orchestra with me ^^!
~ wen li for drawing cute cute bishoujos! thanks for giving me one of those wen li!
~ su yue for being an anime fan ^^! be an anime lover all the way dudeee~
~ navina for her afro hair xDD! your hair rocks veryy much! and also for being the genius in the class. ngeekkk!
~ renia for all her fantastic "garang" actings for every play :D . ahahah.
~ shalu for sitting infront of me and entertaining me whenever im bored!
~ farahin for being the fantastic KD of the class...haha alwayz marah sini sana LOLS juz kidding. and also for sitting beside me for the whoooole year :D . and also for being my partner in korean/japanese dramas =))! THEY rock like TO-TA-LLY!
~ eli for being my neighbour =) . and also for loving PIXIE POP xDDDD!
~ saba for being blurrr! x) .
~ lidiya for making me laugh for the whole year =DD! your laughter is the medicine, girl!
~ alya for her weird perangai =) but at the same time caring perangai =)!
~ fifi for her loudspeaker voice. LOL.
~ denee for alwayz being annoying ^^ . lol. annoy us mooooreee :D! will miss it soon.......=(
~ najiha for always talking to me. we always talk about MANY things >.O;!
~ munirah for watching all those fabulous korean dramas that I TOO love.
~ shuma for being innocent & quiet =]
~ karlmun for lending me that book xP. and also for being the helpful AJK KH.
~ hana for knowing how to shuffle ><"!
~ ain for lovin cats just like ME! and for buying warriors :DDDD.......++ for also lending me agent angel throughout the year xP! stay as a CAT LOVER ALL THE WAY? =) !
~ farah for her unpredictable attitude. sometimes smily sometimes serious xP.
~ fara for being the sort-of twin to farah. LOLS!
~ Naj for her smily wiley smile x)
I feel soo fresh today x) . As in happy & cheerful! Cause cause I feel like it xP. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr <33!>
~ ira for lending me mangas x) ! thank youuu ira!! really love all your manga! and also for joining orchestra with me ^^!
~ wen li for drawing cute cute bishoujos! thanks for giving me one of those wen li!
~ su yue for being an anime fan ^^! be an anime lover all the way dudeee~
~ navina for her afro hair xDD! your hair rocks veryy much! and also for being the genius in the class. ngeekkk!
~ renia for all her fantastic "garang" actings for every play :D . ahahah.
~ shalu for sitting infront of me and entertaining me whenever im bored!
~ farahin for being the fantastic KD of the class...haha alwayz marah sini sana LOLS juz kidding. and also for sitting beside me for the whoooole year :D . and also for being my partner in korean/japanese dramas =))! THEY rock like TO-TA-LLY!
~ eli for being my neighbour =) . and also for loving PIXIE POP xDDDD!
~ saba for being blurrr! x) .
~ lidiya for making me laugh for the whole year =DD! your laughter is the medicine, girl!
~ alya for her weird perangai =) but at the same time caring perangai =)!
~ fifi for her loudspeaker voice. LOL.
~ denee for alwayz being annoying ^^ . lol. annoy us mooooreee :D! will miss it soon.......=(
~ najiha for always talking to me. we always talk about MANY things >.O;!
~ munirah for watching all those fabulous korean dramas that I TOO love.
~ shuma for being innocent & quiet =]
~ karlmun for lending me that book xP. and also for being the helpful AJK KH.
~ hana for knowing how to shuffle ><"!
~ ain for lovin cats just like ME! and for buying warriors :DDDD.......++ for also lending me agent angel throughout the year xP! stay as a CAT LOVER ALL THE WAY? =) !
~ farah for her unpredictable attitude. sometimes smily sometimes serious xP.
~ fara for being the sort-of twin to farah. LOLS!
~ Naj for her smily wiley smile x)
thank you 1B for being there for me in the year of 2007 ! (: I will cherish all those moments we had together :D.
P/S : We only have 2 more days till school hols =( .... cherish those moments , people!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
ice-skating man :)
ICE SKATING WAS funn. Lols. LUNTOT MAN SUCKS. Hahahahahaha. Omg wtv? AYAM XD. I fell trice. NOT A SURPRISE!
Monday, November 05, 2007
I LOVE OUR DANCING CLOTHES :D. Yes, and who got the idea? ME of course! Hahahaha. After all those practices that we done, we did contribute something to the class right? I mean those final moments being with ur class, at least u do something good for it. We didn't win though but I know that we were quite good only that some parts we forgot our steps xP. Especially me. Gaahhh. Gomen, ne guys! ><" . No but seriously I had fun. Lols when we went up the stage it was like so scary cause we practiced only for 3 days? And to actually finished all those steps ++ practicing it ++ thinking about clothes, steps, etc? It was also my first time dancing on the stage. Before this, I never have done it before. After experiencing this one moment of dancing on the stage, I feel like doing it again! :P . Though maybe I dun really have the perfect moves but so what? I will eventually learn it sooner or later and get the hang of it. And also I actually really am interested in dancing. Cause when u dance, u will feel this happy feeling like when u get your candy. Hahahaha im blabbing.
1A was the best la I think. Cause they were unique. Cool gila la they dance. Ummm lol i guess I'll go now. BYE.
signing out,
~kit kat neko~
1A was the best la I think. Cause they were unique. Cool gila la they dance. Ummm lol i guess I'll go now. BYE.
signing out,
~kit kat neko~
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Class party was awesome!
Well, as usual, we had orchestra practice and so at the end of the class we had to rush! Cause what if they had already started?? And there goes the food...
So yeah anyways, it was a relieved seeing they haven't started eating yet :)
There were lotsa food actually. You name it. Lols.
Domino, KFC, chips, drinks? , chips (whoops I repeated tht), uhh....cake? COOKIES <33....and KFC? Pizza? Omg wtv I'm repeating it. Lols. FRIED CHICKEN! <3 Whoopss. Okay...stop talkin bout the food hens!
So umm yeah the actually most boring thing we had to endure was that there was no radio to be played in our class. Cause su yue forgot to bring hers =( .
Yeah but we still had fun joining our neighbour sebelah. the CEKAPIANS :D .
Their radio was like the loudest throughout the block?
At the cekapians class, we danced....we played the CHU CHU TRAIN (omg..why is the spelling not right?!) .... lols anyways, WE and the cekapians had a great time :) .
Eventhough they played high school musical and hilary duff's songs.
It was still MUSIC! <3
Yup yup so after the party party we had to clean the class. And yeaah, really had a great time!
Oh my god....
I forgot one thing =)
Yes and this is an important thing! Yes, VERIEEE important.
Saba wrote all our characters on the board while we were busy eating and singing.
So everyone will be having the title 'miss' in the front and their character at the back.
Just soo then, i read my title and it was actually.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Lol sorry for the "dots"! <333.
Well yeaah, I was miss innocent.
Lol. Okaay fine. Maybe I'm innocent after all =). I mean, I'm not that bad or what right? And I dun always get angry and scold people here and there. And ummm I DID saved a kitty before in our class. (after it got stuck behind the tables ><")
Tapi sedihnya alya got my title =( .
I mean the title that I wanted.
Aww man I wanted tht title.
But takpelah =) .
miss cheerful sounds like me too :) .
Hahahaha ira's one is miss perky. Lols.
Damn, I write too much crap here. Sheesh. Wtv im signing out.
kit kat
Well, as usual, we had orchestra practice and so at the end of the class we had to rush! Cause what if they had already started?? And there goes the food...
So yeah anyways, it was a relieved seeing they haven't started eating yet :)
There were lotsa food actually. You name it. Lols.
Domino, KFC, chips, drinks? , chips (whoops I repeated tht), uhh....cake? COOKIES <33....and KFC? Pizza? Omg wtv I'm repeating it. Lols. FRIED CHICKEN! <3 Whoopss. Okay...stop talkin bout the food hens!
So umm yeah the actually most boring thing we had to endure was that there was no radio to be played in our class. Cause su yue forgot to bring hers =( .
Yeah but we still had fun joining our neighbour sebelah. the CEKAPIANS :D .
Their radio was like the loudest throughout the block?
At the cekapians class, we danced....we played the CHU CHU TRAIN (omg..why is the spelling not right?!) .... lols anyways, WE and the cekapians had a great time :) .
Eventhough they played high school musical and hilary duff's songs.
It was still MUSIC! <3
Yup yup so after the party party we had to clean the class. And yeaah, really had a great time!
Oh my god....
I forgot one thing =)
Yes and this is an important thing! Yes, VERIEEE important.
Saba wrote all our characters on the board while we were busy eating and singing.
So everyone will be having the title 'miss' in the front and their character at the back.
Just soo then, i read my title and it was actually.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Lol sorry for the "dots"! <333.
Well yeaah, I was miss innocent.
Lol. Okaay fine. Maybe I'm innocent after all =). I mean, I'm not that bad or what right? And I dun always get angry and scold people here and there. And ummm I DID saved a kitty before in our class. (after it got stuck behind the tables ><")
Tapi sedihnya alya got my title =( .
I mean the title that I wanted.
Aww man I wanted tht title.
But takpelah =) .
miss cheerful sounds like me too :) .
Hahahaha ira's one is miss perky. Lols.
Damn, I write too much crap here. Sheesh. Wtv im signing out.
kit kat
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Drama was soo fun! Ahhh...I feel like doing it again with my baktians :D. Come baktians, lets do it again! This time will be US as the audience. Heheheh. Well I had orchestra practice and it ended like 2 but me and ira were very worried if they start at about 2 cause we weren't sure about the time. I had to change my clothes at the backstage as time was running out. Got shocked when eli told me to play the to zanarkand song. So yeah, I had just a lil time to practice cause zoe and jess wanted to practice too.
Our drama was played after recess. LOVE ALL THE SCENES...and PROPS. Since me, eli, saba did it. xDDD. Last minute dowh! Well, I just can't believe my part wasn't INNOCENT! Hahahahaha. Seriouslyy! Hahahaha navina lawak. "kritikal! kritikal!" LOLS. Well I really think we did a really great job la =D. And love the piano part! =)). Kays, thts all. Bubbyes!~
Signing out,
~Kit Kat~
Our drama was played after recess. LOVE ALL THE SCENES...and PROPS. Since me, eli, saba did it. xDDD. Last minute dowh! Well, I just can't believe my part wasn't INNOCENT! Hahahahaha. Seriouslyy! Hahahaha navina lawak. "kritikal! kritikal!" LOLS. Well I really think we did a really great job la =D. And love the piano part! =)). Kays, thts all. Bubbyes!~
Signing out,
~Kit Kat~
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday i woke up.
The first thought was 'Today's the day'~
Got ready around 11ish.
Cause takut some came early or sumn.
Soo, the first who came was ain. and eli.
Ain, eli, lids, alya, najiha, su yue came.
We ate. Then went upstairs.
Guess what we all were actually doing upstairs?
Eli laaa and alya and lids.
I wasn't in the mood for camwhore cause i was always interrupted by something.
Can't whine though.
I WAS the host.
After few HOURS, navina came.
Ira couldn't come =(.
Omg speaking of ira, i haven't read your manga ira =P.
No time lorr.
So yeaah, mostly what we did was play talk camwhore CUMI?! LOLLIPOPS!
Tibe2 je lollipops.
xDDDDD anyways, I had a great time though!
Thanks for coming dear fwens =D
[ h i m i t s u n e k o x) ]
kitty lover (yeaayy ira didnt mind giving me the title)
The first thought was 'Today's the day'~
Got ready around 11ish.
Cause takut some came early or sumn.
Soo, the first who came was ain. and eli.
Ain, eli, lids, alya, najiha, su yue came.
We ate. Then went upstairs.
Guess what we all were actually doing upstairs?
Eli laaa and alya and lids.
I wasn't in the mood for camwhore cause i was always interrupted by something.
Can't whine though.
I WAS the host.
After few HOURS, navina came.
Ira couldn't come =(.
Omg speaking of ira, i haven't read your manga ira =P.
No time lorr.
So yeaah, mostly what we did was play talk camwhore CUMI?! LOLLIPOPS!
Tibe2 je lollipops.
xDDDDD anyways, I had a great time though!
Thanks for coming dear fwens =D
[ h i m i t s u n e k o x) ]
kitty lover (yeaayy ira didnt mind giving me the title)
Friday, October 26, 2007
From now onwards...I'm gonna use *dots* as in . << this symbol like most of the time! xDDDDDDD. Yesss, something stupid and worthless to accomplish. Hahahahaha. I still remember in 2005, I always type dots kat msn. Its just sooo fun to write dots after every single words or sentences mcm banyak2 kali! Seriously people, ITS FUN =). Sooo.....try it ya?
Tomorrow is the orchestra farewell party. Oh right, more food! Hahaha. Just when I thought I wanted to continue with my puasa 6 and there goes some occasion popping out suddenly. Hehehe. But nevermind though, my mates are gonna be there =DDDD.
3 more weeks till school year end! It's quite sad though. I got hooked up with 1B since january and I have to leave it soon. But those memories are memoriable to me and hence, it will not be forgotten. Omg, after reading my recent sentence, I sounded emo? Eww. And I hate being emo!! Bubbly, cheerful, and happy-go-lucky are my thing!!! Ya la but sometimes we must understand that there are unhappy moments where we tend to get emo and all sad and stuffs. Can't blame yourself for sounding soo unhappy or sad or whatever thats related to emo? Human beings have feelings! So does cats =) . CATS <33. Lol. My current name would be kitty lover // himitsu neko =DDDDD. And I hope ira can accept to give me the title 'kitty lover' cause that was her title last time. ^^. Haaaiihhh..........everyone's not replying me =( ! Maybe alya is busy but nad??? HOW CAN SHE be BUSY? Maybe myspace has made everyone hooked up with it. has been years already and people don't get bored with it...Myspacemyspacemyspacemyspace~~I love my page <3. Lols tiba2 je. Wtv. I'm so boreeeddd. Lids can't go online anymore. I mean, its past 10 already? Oh man, was busy watching project runway sampai I forgot that THEY we're gonna come online. So yeaah uhhh who else? Oh yes, AIN! Where is she??? She SHOULD be online cause everytime I mean everynight she'll be on. And so does najiha!!! =(( Boooo I'm all alone and no one seems to reply me back. Probably busy. But I'm still not satisfied with nad not replying me! How could sheeee~!! (uh nad, if youre reading this.......don't really mind me) . Lol im saying hi to her again. Anywaayss, probably shes suffering from some emo situation? I dunnnooo. She can be grumpy at timess. Yea lets cut the craap. The purpose I wrote this blog is because......uhhh.....what was it again??? WOW. I totally forgot. *ugghh nad's not replying me agaaainn! she didn't say hi bacckk. JAHAT BETUL!*....yea sooo uh where was I? Oh right.....I forgot what I write so yeaaahh I'm gonna sign out after reading this EVERY CRAP? Ughhh this is soooo saaddd! Why do I always write crap stuffs? Who caresss! Its my bloggie and I shall do wtv I want =). That felt better. Kay before I start crapping AGAIN, bye shall end this!
Tomorrow is the orchestra farewell party. Oh right, more food! Hahaha. Just when I thought I wanted to continue with my puasa 6 and there goes some occasion popping out suddenly. Hehehe. But nevermind though, my mates are gonna be there =DDDD.
3 more weeks till school year end! It's quite sad though. I got hooked up with 1B since january and I have to leave it soon. But those memories are memoriable to me and hence, it will not be forgotten. Omg, after reading my recent sentence, I sounded emo? Eww. And I hate being emo!! Bubbly, cheerful, and happy-go-lucky are my thing!!! Ya la but sometimes we must understand that there are unhappy moments where we tend to get emo and all sad and stuffs. Can't blame yourself for sounding soo unhappy or sad or whatever thats related to emo? Human beings have feelings! So does cats =) . CATS <33. Lol. My current name would be kitty lover // himitsu neko =DDDDD. And I hope ira can accept to give me the title 'kitty lover' cause that was her title last time. ^^. Haaaiihhh..........everyone's not replying me =( ! Maybe alya is busy but nad??? HOW CAN SHE be BUSY? Maybe myspace has made everyone hooked up with it. has been years already and people don't get bored with it...Myspacemyspacemyspacemyspace~~I love my page <3. Lols tiba2 je. Wtv. I'm so boreeeddd. Lids can't go online anymore. I mean, its past 10 already? Oh man, was busy watching project runway sampai I forgot that THEY we're gonna come online. So yeaah uhhh who else? Oh yes, AIN! Where is she??? She SHOULD be online cause everytime I mean everynight she'll be on. And so does najiha!!! =(( Boooo I'm all alone and no one seems to reply me back. Probably busy. But I'm still not satisfied with nad not replying me! How could sheeee~!! (uh nad, if youre reading this.......don't really mind me) . Lol im saying hi to her again. Anywaayss, probably shes suffering from some emo situation? I dunnnooo. She can be grumpy at timess. Yea lets cut the craap. The purpose I wrote this blog is because......uhhh.....what was it again??? WOW. I totally forgot. *ugghh nad's not replying me agaaainn! she didn't say hi bacckk. JAHAT BETUL!*....yea sooo uh where was I? Oh right.....I forgot what I write so yeaaahh I'm gonna sign out after reading this EVERY CRAP? Ughhh this is soooo saaddd! Why do I always write crap stuffs? Who caresss! Its my bloggie and I shall do wtv I want =). That felt better. Kay before I start crapping AGAIN, bye shall end this!
Monday, October 22, 2007
I know now's the time not to blog but seriously, I need a break! Just now, for the first time in this year...I finally can read geography without complaining or whinning =). Yes, go hens!
Just yesterday I realized that there are no more font colours? Yes? Well surprisingly, its gone. Or is it the comp lagging? Which I think not. -sigh-. I'm so bored! Still left few more chapters to read....
I hate myspace. I mean...I like myspace. That hate word suddenly slipped sry =P. After joining, I found out that it was fun. I dunno what to write. Sheesh. I guess I was just wasting my freakin time. Ughhh! Why can't I do the strike out font. This sucks. Wtv......................................
I can't wait for ira to reply the message (i mean ira as in ira marlina. don't perasaan la ira! lol). She told me they baked pizza xDDDD. And furthermore, at domino's pizza? Woww. Maybe they did rent the kitchen after all. That's cool though! I've never been in a kitchen's restaurant. I think. WTV WTV WTV. I'm going off xD. Will blog something nice soon. No promises! xD.
Just yesterday I realized that there are no more font colours? Yes? Well surprisingly, its gone. Or is it the comp lagging? Which I think not. -sigh-. I'm so bored! Still left few more chapters to read....
I hate myspace. I mean...I like myspace. That hate word suddenly slipped sry =P. After joining, I found out that it was fun. I dunno what to write. Sheesh. I guess I was just wasting my freakin time. Ughhh! Why can't I do the strike out font. This sucks. Wtv......................................
I can't wait for ira to reply the message (i mean ira as in ira marlina. don't perasaan la ira! lol). She told me they baked pizza xDDDD. And furthermore, at domino's pizza? Woww. Maybe they did rent the kitchen after all. That's cool though! I've never been in a kitchen's restaurant. I think. WTV WTV WTV. I'm going off xD. Will blog something nice soon. No promises! xD.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Can't believe I slept over my time limit. I woke up at 12 sharp today. Yes and I was still sleepy but what to do. I thought about 2morrow and my sleepyness instantly vanished. don't mention tomorrow. I've been going to so many open houses lately. That really effects my time of studying. -sigh-. Can't blame me though. i was invited. Been reading history since morn. Everything's gonna come out. Yes, EVERYTHING..........................Basically, I have nothing to write. But just wanna update something. So yeah. Tata for now. xD
Can't believe I slept over my time limit. I woke up at 12 sharp still feeling sleepy. But what to do...I had to have that inisiative to start studying and not crapping around! Hmm...recently, I've been going to open houses for raya. And that actually affect my time of studying.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Here's my beloved cat, Cumi <3333. Haiih, she looks very tired in this picture. Hahaha. Her full name is Miss Cumi Smeagol. We gave her that name right after we watched LOTR 2. Lol. And her japanese name is Hichumi Sakamichi <3. She's a vegetarian cause whenever I pour cat food for her, she'll be eating the greens first. That means veggies. Besides that also, sometimes I see her eating grass at my house compound. Such a cow she is. Lol. I mean cat. Her favourite spot to sleep will obviously be the window. She absolutely loves basking in the sun. She just really loves the sun! Whenever theres thunders or lightnings outside, I will have to cuddle her up in my lap cause she'll always be scared whenever there are thunders and lightnings. But right, she doesn't really like to be on anyone's lap cause her bulu will mess up and she hates it. Except for masa thunders and lightnings la. She is sooo vain! Hahaha. Uhhhhh, she's a pretty cat. Compare to cute, she's more pretty. =) . Therefore, she will always be loved by ME <333!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tomorrow raya :D! Me and rana finally finished baking the chocolate chip cookies xDDD. Our chocolate chips could have finished HOURS just now. But there wasn't any chocolate chips. Haha sadlyy. Taiyou no uta is quite okay I guess. Only the start is a bit ?? . Hahas. *I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE HERE*! Hmmm.....oh yeaa, pixie pop rocks xDDDD. I can't wait to habis baca the vol 2. Well, project runway is gonna start soon so I better finish my unfinish stuffs. x). Will write back again SOON.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Nothing much happened this week. Just finished my exams yesterday. xD . I'm not sure whether I'll get fantastic marks. Cause I think I did my mid-term much more better than this august test. Ughh...I just hope I can get A...Anyways, I'm currently addicted playing the piano. I'm learning a song called ' To Zanarkand' . It's a song from FF10~ Next week, my piano teacher is going to bring the score sheets and we'll learn that song xDDD. Nyaaarrr, so can't wait! I only learn a quarter of it from my sis.
There's going to be 1 litre of tears on tv later =D. Since engine finished last week. They replaced it to that. But it's such a sad story. But nevermind, I'm still gonna watch it though. Oh yea, I'm starting back my story in a new book. And there'll be changes. I'm gonna start it later. Okay then. I'm gonna sign out!
There's going to be 1 litre of tears on tv later =D. Since engine finished last week. They replaced it to that. But it's such a sad story. But nevermind, I'm still gonna watch it though. Oh yea, I'm starting back my story in a new book. And there'll be changes. I'm gonna start it later. Okay then. I'm gonna sign out!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I must start watching bleach! I can;t just stop halfway. Currently the episodes they are airing are interesting. So what I thought was, after exam, I'll straightaway start back the episode I'm watching (which is currently hanging). Here are the list of anime/drama I'm watching xD :-
1) Bleach
2) Hana Kimi - Taiwan version
3) Devil beside you
4) Seto no Hanayome
6) Tree of Heaven
Yeah, I think those are it. But for tree of heaven, actually I know the ending already but it was dub in chinese so I thought of watching the episode 9 & 10 in crunchyroll (which will be in Korean & Japanese) =) . Well, will write again 2morrow if I have the chance to xDDD. Tataaa
1) Bleach
2) Hana Kimi - Taiwan version
3) Devil beside you
4) Seto no Hanayome
6) Tree of Heaven
Yeah, I think those are it. But for tree of heaven, actually I know the ending already but it was dub in chinese so I thought of watching the episode 9 & 10 in crunchyroll (which will be in Korean & Japanese) =) . Well, will write again 2morrow if I have the chance to xDDD. Tataaa
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Today was....soo weird xD! Very very weird! But quite adventurous at the same time. Anyway, just now sivik was fun. I've always liked sivik. Its like for sivik, teacher always do interesting activities with are just very creative and fun.
Exam is coming...must read sejarah! (its a must~). Chapter 7 & 8 are coming out. Naww, dah la chapter 7 is long. =( . I haven't even started reading a thing. Gaahhh. I must start by this week!!! Omg, that reminds me.... I HAVEN'T COPY OUT THE TIMETABLE FOR THE EXAM!! Ohkaaayyy I must do that by 2morrow!!~~
I love watching 'devil beside you'! It's such a nice drama. =) . I just started episode 1. Maybe I'll watch episode 2 on friday or 2morrow. xDDD. Teeheee. I dunno what to write about today. So I think I'll stop for now...
Exam is coming...must read sejarah! (its a must~). Chapter 7 & 8 are coming out. Naww, dah la chapter 7 is long. =( . I haven't even started reading a thing. Gaahhh. I must start by this week!!! Omg, that reminds me.... I HAVEN'T COPY OUT THE TIMETABLE FOR THE EXAM!! Ohkaaayyy I must do that by 2morrow!!~~
I love watching 'devil beside you'! It's such a nice drama. =) . I just started episode 1. Maybe I'll watch episode 2 on friday or 2morrow. xDDD. Teeheee. I dunno what to write about today. So I think I'll stop for now...
Monday, July 16, 2007
It has been so long since I've logged into my acc. >< . Now, I'm going to start writing. Today, we had a drama play. The title was ' The Pencil ' . I was the naughty boy. So sad. I thought of becoming the teacher. More cuuunn the acting =). Teehee. Well, actually the drama played by all of the groups, were very funny. xDDD. The class was filled with laughter almost half of the time. It was fun.
After recess, my classmates coincidently found a kitty inside the grill thingy (I'm not sure what it is). It was meow-ing so cutely when we all were getting close to see what happened. And then, that was the time when the kitty actually got scared so it fell down the thingy and got stucked inside it. Everyone was like 'Omg, it fell! It's stuck'!!! So I quickly got there and pushed the thingy and guess what, the kitty was saved. It got to the other side and ran away to the exit door. And some of my friends were screaming because the kitty ran as fast like the thunders. It got into some of their sarungs. Hahaha. And the students who were passing by outside the corridor also ran away. The block in the school was practically filled with screams.
And so, I was very happy after saving the kitty's life =) .
After recess, my classmates coincidently found a kitty inside the grill thingy (I'm not sure what it is). It was meow-ing so cutely when we all were getting close to see what happened. And then, that was the time when the kitty actually got scared so it fell down the thingy and got stucked inside it. Everyone was like 'Omg, it fell! It's stuck'!!! So I quickly got there and pushed the thingy and guess what, the kitty was saved. It got to the other side and ran away to the exit door. And some of my friends were screaming because the kitty ran as fast like the thunders. It got into some of their sarungs. Hahaha. And the students who were passing by outside the corridor also ran away. The block in the school was practically filled with screams.
And so, I was very happy after saving the kitty's life =) .
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Today, I had orchestra practice. It went out fine. At least I have banana with me =). And also eisyah. She came slightly later while we were having our practice. The thing that I am not happy about today is that, I LOST A PIECE OF PAPER. And that piece of paper is super important! I wrote important stuffs about violin notes in there. I am so gonna get screwed. -.-' . Darn laa!! If only I wasn't too dreamy, I wouldn't have throw it away. Silly me. =(. All I can do is to wait for monday and ask eishah for that paper and I'll recopy it back ^^. Simple job. =). I hope she won't forget to bring it.
Okay, bm is quite hard! Komsas especially. I am very blur in that topic. And there's like tons of words I dun understand! -.-' . I always need the kamus to check those words. Kamus rocks when you have problems with your bm. Kamus is my hero for bm <33. And dictionary for english. Those two are like the most useful things if u have problems with your bm & english. Even maths. And science. Okie, gtg, byees!
Okay, bm is quite hard! Komsas especially. I am very blur in that topic. And there's like tons of words I dun understand! -.-' . I always need the kamus to check those words. Kamus rocks when you have problems with your bm. Kamus is my hero for bm <33. And dictionary for english. Those two are like the most useful things if u have problems with your bm & english. Even maths. And science. Okie, gtg, byees!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Today I had a kenduri at ezryn's place! =). It was really fun!!! Ahahaha I still remembered when the part where ili said something so funny that I laughed quietly. But I really couldn't stand it. So in end, we made a little noise. Then after a while zaimah came ^^. Luckily I remembered to ask her about the japanese homework!! Then we chatted quietly since there was a little ceramah going on. After everything is done, we ate =D. I only ate cupcakes tho. Didn't felt really hungry. The icing + marshmallow was really sweet. And it was flower shape. How I wish it was a bunny shape ^^ ! Omg I'm in love with bunnies & lollipops <3333.><". And then suddenly ili put her cupcake which she had a few bites, into ezryn's plate. Then she put on mine. And I put into zaimah's. Lol. Sryyy zaimaahh! ><". In the end she threw it away I think. Lol.
Okay after that we watched something which is SCARIEE. I think I should watch again to cure my scardness. And I'm not even sure if watching it again can cure your scardness or not =.=". Well, I wasn't really near the screen. Zaimah & her brother was. I was beside zaimah. And there was this one part, all of us terkejut and we all screamed like mad. I can hear myself xDD. And I think I was the loudest. Ahahahah. Kesian zaimah's brother. But that thing was scarieee like hell! I regret watching it. But not really xDD. Then after that zaimah had to go home =(. Alarr. In the night, we played piano. The three of us ; ili, ezzie & meeee! We played a piece. Everything went all huru-hara at first. But later on, it was like a real melody ^^. After a few mins, we had dinner! More food! LOL. So yeah we ate, then we played a bit of piano & then TRUTH OR DARE we played. =). At about 9.30, ili's mom came and I tumpang her. So her mom sent me home and YUPP, I'm here doing this xDD. Okiee gtg byebye! I don't think I can go online 2morrow =(. Nawww. Cause I can only use in the weekends. And this is a promise rule made by me ><". Cause reaaalllyyy I am sooo obsess with the pc. Okie laa byebye!
Okay after that we watched something which is SCARIEE. I think I should watch again to cure my scardness. And I'm not even sure if watching it again can cure your scardness or not =.=". Well, I wasn't really near the screen. Zaimah & her brother was. I was beside zaimah. And there was this one part, all of us terkejut and we all screamed like mad. I can hear myself xDD. And I think I was the loudest. Ahahahah. Kesian zaimah's brother. But that thing was scarieee like hell! I regret watching it. But not really xDD. Then after that zaimah had to go home =(. Alarr. In the night, we played piano. The three of us ; ili, ezzie & meeee! We played a piece. Everything went all huru-hara at first. But later on, it was like a real melody ^^. After a few mins, we had dinner! More food! LOL. So yeah we ate, then we played a bit of piano & then TRUTH OR DARE we played. =). At about 9.30, ili's mom came and I tumpang her. So her mom sent me home and YUPP, I'm here doing this xDD. Okiee gtg byebye! I don't think I can go online 2morrow =(. Nawww. Cause I can only use in the weekends. And this is a promise rule made by me ><". Cause reaaalllyyy I am sooo obsess with the pc. Okie laa byebye!
Yesterday, me & everyone went out =). Except for ame. She didn't cause she got an exam on that sunday. And whoever HAVE exams on sunday? =.=" . Well anyways, we went out to eat dinner! We ate at a restaurant called ' The Little Italian Kitchen. ' It looks really nice. The restaurant. The set up was like WOW. Whoever is the owner really has a very INTERESTING brain. Yes and so, I ordered a lasagnia. Beef lasagnia. Actually while I was looking at the menu, me & my sis berpakat to take the lasagnia =). And I only drank warm water cause the weather outside was breezy & cold. Moreover it was drizzling a bit. So when the lasagnia came, this was my reaction =O! And my face was like that for a few minutes. Then I started eating. And yummyyy! It was delicious. It was veriee richh! And creammyyyy :DD. Yummm. But after eating only A QUARTER, I felt so blechhh. -.-' . I felt kinda sick cause that thing is really rich man! And sooo creamy. My glass went empty after that cause I eat the lasagnia then drink some water then eat then drink. So the other ummm....leftover lasagnia, my sis finished it all. She was going reaaaalllyyy fast. And I was like WOW. -.-' . My sis really like all these italian food.
After eating, me and MY OTHER sis, take pictures together :DD. I love it when we do this ^^. So after taking pics, we went straight to our car and my OTHER sis went out to buy some kentucky fried chicken for her & her friends since their always studying together? I oso dunno. So yeah, she went and buy with my sis (the other one) too, following her. After that, we went somewhere to look for postcards for my sis presentation. And in the car she was practicing her Nihon language. And I couldnt understand anything except for watashiwa and a few more others. xDD. Yah so after that we sent my sis back to her asrama and we went back home =). What a nice gathering it was!~
After eating, me and MY OTHER sis, take pictures together :DD. I love it when we do this ^^. So after taking pics, we went straight to our car and my OTHER sis went out to buy some kentucky fried chicken for her & her friends since their always studying together? I oso dunno. So yeah, she went and buy with my sis (the other one) too, following her. After that, we went somewhere to look for postcards for my sis presentation. And in the car she was practicing her Nihon language. And I couldnt understand anything except for watashiwa and a few more others. xDD. Yah so after that we sent my sis back to her asrama and we went back home =). What a nice gathering it was!~
Friday, February 23, 2007
Omg. Yesterday I watched Princess Hours 2nd episode at 8tv and it was chinese dub!! Gross. It sucks. Shin's voice sounded so weird. And chae-gyung, her voice was extremely squeaky! Ughh. But anyways I'm just gonna watch. For fun. Recently I don't really watch the television cause there's nothing much on it now. Now what I watch is only ANIMES! On the comp. I have to catch up with bleach! If only I didn't stop at the soul society part for so long, I wouldn't have been left behind. Currently on episode 93. It's about bountous. And those are fillers. I know it's quite a waste of time watching the fillers. But my most favourite phrase is 'I don't wanna miss anything cause anything is like everything'. So doesn't that mean I am also gonna set an example just like that phrase? Lol. Oh ya, I'm watching nodame cantabile too! It's about musical instruments & orchestra & conducting. It really is very interesting. Currently I stopped at episode 5. I'm gonna watch episode 6 later xDD.
Let's use this colour ^^. Lol. A while ago, while I was chatting with ili, I remembered about ssp sport's day! =D. So I blurt about it and she was like oh yess! And we seemed very excited about it ^^. UNTIL...I remembered about orchestra practice! I'm not sure if there is gonna be an orchestra practice on that day but what if there is?!?! I may not be able to go to ssp sports day...I know I can always skip orchestra practice but it's important! Very important! I just hope that there will not be an orchestra practice...if there is, then let's just see what happens. But wtv it is, I MUST go to ssp sports day! Umm, I think I'll make a move now ^^.
Let's use this colour ^^. Lol. A while ago, while I was chatting with ili, I remembered about ssp sport's day! =D. So I blurt about it and she was like oh yess! And we seemed very excited about it ^^. UNTIL...I remembered about orchestra practice! I'm not sure if there is gonna be an orchestra practice on that day but what if there is?!?! I may not be able to go to ssp sports day...I know I can always skip orchestra practice but it's important! Very important! I just hope that there will not be an orchestra practice...if there is, then let's just see what happens. But wtv it is, I MUST go to ssp sports day! Umm, I think I'll make a move now ^^.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Yes! My sejarah tinggal a bit more onii xDD. I am soo happy. ^^. Hmphh! I can't believe i missed princess hours first ep yesterdaayyy! I didn't know they were gonna show it yesterdaayy. And besides, yesterday the paper man didn't send any paper. =.=" what laaaa!! But nevermiiind! Cause today I will make sure I won't miss the 2nd ep! I am waiting for bleach to load in youtube. Can't wait to watch xD. I lovee the ending song. Thank god they changed it. I love ROUND TABLE ft Nino <3333. These are one of my favourites:-
* Beautiful
* Be Your Girl
* Puzzle
* Let Me Be With You
Currently I like Be Your Girl. It's nicee & catchy. I'm in love with these four songss ^^. Why?
1) Because the tune for beautiful is really niiicee. And it makes me calm.
2) Because be my girl is catchyy! I am always hyperrr xDD.
3) Puzzle rocks because it's catchy too. But not only that! I loveee the melodyy of it.
4) Let Me Be With You sounds sweet. Even the title sounds sweet. And i love chobits ^^.
^^. Okay then I think the bleach finished upload already. So toodles!
* Beautiful
* Be Your Girl
* Puzzle
* Let Me Be With You
Currently I like Be Your Girl. It's nicee & catchy. I'm in love with these four songss ^^. Why?
1) Because the tune for beautiful is really niiicee. And it makes me calm.
2) Because be my girl is catchyy! I am always hyperrr xDD.
3) Puzzle rocks because it's catchy too. But not only that! I loveee the melodyy of it.
4) Let Me Be With You sounds sweet. Even the title sounds sweet. And i love chobits ^^.
^^. Okay then I think the bleach finished upload already. So toodles!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Nyaann!! I finished my bi,geo & agama =DD. I feel sooo good right now!! But I still have sejarah & japanese. -sob-. But nemind cause helinna can do it! Ganbatte ne helinna ^^. Lol. Erks. I'm having a bit of a headache cause I've been doing the geo homework from morn to noon. Teacher gave us objectif & subjectif. I don't mind about the objectif cause its veriee easy xDD. BUT goshh! o.o I had to measure the distant and stuffs with my ruler like a billion times (well not really..just making it more dramatic xDD). And that makes me more dizzier. But now I'm fine after listening to my favourite songs ^^. Umm..oh yess! Zaimah helped me to do the background thingyy xDD! And not just the background thingy but also the chatbox thingy ^^. She helped me a lot for this blogger thingy. So, THANK YOUU ZAIMAAHHH :DDD.
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