Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Moment Of Truth

Hii ,

Alhamdulillah, I feel really relieved because it's done now. I won't have to think about it already. It's done for good. I can breathe now. I can sleep well tonight. I think for the past 3 days, I didn't have much sleep. Yesterday was the worst. I didn't sleep at all. The clock was ticking ticking, an hour passed by, the next hour passed by, so on and so forth. In the end, when the clock striked 5 or 6, I forgot, I think that was when I slept. Then woke up again after half an hour. Anyway, I ended up bathing, shampoo-ing & etc trying to get it out of my head. Like, seriously. Whatever the result is I'M GONNA TAKE IT. I don't wanna suffer from nervous breakdowns anymore. I absolutely hate it. So ended up in my school uniform, went to school at 12 P.M. Before going up to the office, I thought of making a run for it. Turn back, NOW! But seriously, I gotta do what I gotta do. Went up the staircase, saw Pn. Mages & she went into the room opposite the office. I had to follow her. That was when I thought "Oh great, I'm gonna lose it now". I practically was hiding behind her back saying "Teacherrr, I don't wanna see it teacherrr. I'm too scareddd!". Then Pn. Mages was like "Whaaat? Are you reaallyyy scareddd??? Well, congratulations dear you got straight A's" , then she turned to the back to hug me cause I was chickening out behind her. Lol. I squealed a tiny squeal and I was saying thank you thank you a gazillion times. I think I hugged her three times! Well, I am really thankful Ya Allah. Alhamdulillah!

And now, I'm listening to Summertime Anthem by the Jonas Brothers. I love it !


p/s : today it's just me signing out with my name at the bottom (:

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