OKAY, so I finally got my tee :D. YEAY <3. So went to midvalley around 3.00. Tagged chee yan along, since she was nearby & IT WAS FREAKING JAM :0!
Chee Yan belanja sushi!
HEHE :D So anyways, while waiting, went to sushi king, mph, speedy! OMG, I still remember, when we were at MPH, I was searching for the jonas brothers book burnin up tour (for fun. just wanna see it), and IT WAS THERE. Well, on the comp it says so but when I tekan for info, it says not available YET -.- . BUMMER.
Then, around 4 nk was on the way. So we waited at mcd. And around 4.30+, nk arrived. And while waitinggg, he said he was coming up to mcd. After a few mins, there was this green shirt guy and I pointed out to chee yan *-
hens : I think thts him?
cheeyan : msg!
Well when I wanted to msg, suddenly nk texted me saying tht he's wearing a green shirt! HAHAHAHA, tht was sooo funnyyy! And I kept on repeating, "SEE! I HAVE MAGIC! I HAVE MAGIC!" LOL. So then me & chee yan went up to the mcd's 2nd floor and there it was, EDWARD CULLEN TEE on the table :OOOOOOO! But before I could take it back with me, I had to change my 50 ringgit -.- . BUMMER. Nk didn't hv change. Anyways, after finished changing, paid, and finallyy I GOT MY EDWARD CULLEN TEE :DDDDD! I was squeaaaaalingggg! HAHAHAHA! yeayyy <3.
SO thank you chee yan for temaning me! And nk for giving me the tee today! AND AND I'm so sorry chee yan! bcoz of me, u had to go home late :/. but thank you sooo muchhh! :). At least u got ur ice-cream ;D.
bubbye <3
the vid below, IS SO FUNNYYY! <3.
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