and this is why sometimes I hate blogspot -_-
I just posted a post just now and it came out appearing NUTS.
nuts as in, GILA la. lol.
so anyway, the font from small went to
BIG. big as in
HUGE. like woah O: .
yea, and tht was one of the main problem. the 2nd main problem was, THE FONT WAS TOO HUGE THT THE POSTS COULDN'T BE READ -_- . and the black colour font was like smudging with each other. then came the pink & purple font synchronizing(?) together like a smudgy pinkishhh-purplishhh nailpolishhh (?) . hahaha, pinkishhh-purplishhh nailpolishhh :D. sounds cool? NO. definitely not on my blog page.
so lets make this fast and short. i've already watched 2 movies tht i had intend to watch! bedtime stories & inkheart. yes. like a movie marathon *thumbs up*. bedtime stories was FUNNY compared to inkheart. but both was an applause. then yesterday went to Putrajaya. it was soo tiringgg but I enjoyed myself :). I learnt about plants and its use. yes, something very educational tht can actually be fun. from fruit trees to herbal trees, hehe. some had weird names. like mangga nyasomethingsomething. i forgot leeeyy.
i'm planning to finish up my homework by today, if possible :D. and also to finish up the bm powerpoint & peribahasa (thanks amirah for reminding me! i ALMOST forgot all about it. heeee). okay lahh. i should probably finish up my homework now...
p/s : I think I wanna change my blogskin laaa. This one doesn't show its title -_- , tapi cantik.
p/p/s : 2nd sister, when are u gonna burn
gossip girl season 2 hehh?
LALA land :)the PINK freak.retardddd XDNYAHAHAHAHAHA. eeshh, takde keje -_-