It's new year's eve BAYBEH! :D . And soon, it's gonna be NEW YEAR. Hehehe. Okay so just came online to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR xD! Make sure you have a new resolution eh? Wokeyh, I guess I better watch the tv now (cause I didn't go for the countdown thingy). Soo jane!
P/S : Happy New Year everyone :)
Monday, December 31, 2007

Coffee Prince! I AM SOO LOVING IT xD. You guys should watch it (but too bad its not in youtube neither crunchyroll...sad....I know ='[ ) . For those of you who is sort of ENJOY/LOVE watching korean dramas, I recommend you this one! xDD. Surelyy, you will enjoy it very very muchh! =) . Well, the OST are very nice!!! You should hear it. I even love the characters in there! Okay so uhh actually I haven't completed watching everything cause my sis's laptop adapter rosak. T_T. CHEHH! K lah, guess I better end this post.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
UGH! Some stupid cicak was just infront there on the wall. SESAT BETUL! =_=" . Okaayy, I'm sooo loving my new background page :D. I mean look at it! Bwahahahah xDD. I have such a good taste! =) . And yes, I just gave a compliment to myself =).
Okay well, actually I wanted to post this yesterday but then came back at 12 sumn from sunway pyramid so didn't have time to go online. Moreover... amelia got on the comp before me. So yeah, couldn't do anything.
Right! So yesterday I went OU with my mom, sis & two cousins. Aqeel and Adeel. We went up to the PuriKura first. But then some STUPID, RUDE, SELFISH, BLIND, IDIOTS went to the booth that WE lined up first =_=" . EEE! BODOH BETUL! (yes, I'm FREAKING PISSED!). I mean, we were like there first helllooo!!! Seriously man, I don't know what do teenagers put in their mind =_= (I mean the ones that have the character I mentioned). Eventhough I'm a teenager myself, but I know that I am not one of those! So yeah, in the end it was like already 3.10 PM so we just went to the cinema to buy popcorns + drinks. Yeah but before going out, I was cursing out loud! Sekali with my sis. And I think it was loud enough for them to hear :) .
We watched Alvin & The Chipmunks! Comel sgtsgtsgt!!! My fav is Theodeor xDD. I love the songs. It's sooo nicee! Oh yea and the movie was extremely funny. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the movie. Even the man behind me was like "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" . Ahahahahah. Funnehh! The movie ended like about 5.00 PM. After that, baru we pergi PuriKura. And we took photos :DDD. It was fuunn!!! My mother leminated (is tht how u spell it?) the pics. Only the big size ones. My mom, sis & I even bought the sort of like book album to keep photos.
I went to soxworld and I saw the socks that amelia told me about. And I really really wanted it but then tak bawak duit =_= . Soo, I didn't buy it. After that I teman my cousins go toysarous while my sis and mom went and checked out marks & spencers. I wanted to go too tapi I wanted to go toyarous too :P. Then after like walking and browsing, suddenly came my other sis, adlina. Tiba2 je. Lol. So then tgk2 all my family members were there :DDD.
Before droving off to sunway, we ate baskin robins :DDD. YUMMEH! I ate chocolate chip cookie dough (my fav!). When we were off to sunway, aqeel & adeel sibuk2 mintak my phone. Lol. And tengok2 they wanted to watch the video I took (embarassing videos) . =__= . Woww, I didn't know they could actually find it. =___= . And it was like so wild in the car. I tried getting back my phone and they kept on laughing watching the vids -___- .
Sampai pun sunway :) . I went to "Asian Avenue". OMG the shops there are like superr coool! Amelia was like searching for handbags while rana & adina were just helping her. I wanted to search for this outfit (long baju) which I really really really wanted! Tapi mcm tak nampak sgt lah. And we didn't even spend time there sgt pun. Kejap only. I only bought tights which I thought would be matching with this baju that I wanted :) .
We ate Kenny Rogers for dinner! OISHII! XD. After habis makan, everyone was like bloated gila2! LOL. We went up to parkson after tht :DD. There, I tried this 2 baju which is the same cuma colour tak sama. Both were pretty but then I didn't know which to pick! It was like a hard decision to make. In the end, I picked the grey & pink. Last last, tukar balik to brown & black+white. Soo my mom bought for me the brown & black one :D. Cantiiikkk <3!
Lepas Parkson, we went up to the arcade xDD. BESTT!!! I watched aqeel & adeel played taiko drum. Hahahaha they looked so cuteee <33.><. Rana played Para Para Dance and she was like a Pro :0 . Seriouslyy, I didn't knooww that. I played too. But I suck at it ><" ! UGHH 2 kali pulak tuuuhh main! Amelia also played. She was okay lah. Didn't play much since it was like 11 sumn. I wanted to play DDR though tapi mcm ada org kat sana so malas nak tunggu. Lol.
We all went back like macam nak dekat 12.30 .
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
It's almost a week since I came back from Japan. I miss it so much! My Japanese family, my tokyo group mates, tokyo, the cold weather, japanese food, harajuku, disneyland. Let's just say everything. Tanoshiikata-desu! <3. Well, didn't really have time to type about my homestay there. Maybe one of these days, I'll write. But that ain't a promise! xDDD. Ughh! I still have to finish my report. *sigh*, when can I ever finish it? Almost everyday I get distracted by something like watching dramas, internet, friendster & the internet -_- . The due is before next friday. YOUSH! I am gonna finish the report by this week. Ganbatte-ne, herinna :D . Man, I really really miss Japan! I hope to visit my japanese family again :D. I was so happy when they replied my email just now! xDDD. Will write back to them 2morrow as now I am feeling nemui! *which means sleepy in japanese*. I also wish to see my tokyo group mates! (who went for this homestay programme with me) ! Missin them loads! Wokeyh, I guess that's it for 2nite? Hai, oyasumi minna! :)
P/S : Been speaking lots of japanese words since I came back xDD. Nyahahahh!
P/S : Been speaking lots of japanese words since I came back xDD. Nyahahahh!
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